Why Partner?

This is your chance to connect with both decision-makers and
hands-on scientists who rely on your technology daily.

With the ADC landscape booming, leading biopharma companies are actively seeking partners like you to optimize their ADC processes. This is your opportunity to showcase your expertise and cutting-edge solutions!

As companies are under pressure to streamline their processes in this highly competitive industry, the demand for end-to-end service providers has never been higher. Our attendees are looking for solutions to optimize purification and conjugation equipment, single-use bioreactors, and digital workflows skyrockets.

Join a powerful network of process sciences and CMC experts, all directly responsible for ADC development and manufacturing.

Gain invaluable insights into their needs, build lasting relationships, and prove why your solutions make you the ultimate choice for ADC developers aiming to excel in their process development.

Audience Breakdown

Partnership Image
Seniority of Attendees
Types of Companies Attending

Why Partner?

Elevate Your Brand Visibility

Amplify your market presence and connect with key decision-makers in the ADC industry to build lasting relationships and drive buy-in for your process optimizing solutions

Showcase Your Cutting-Edge Expertise

Impress prospective clients with hands-on demonstrations of your advanced manufacturing and process optimization capabilities at your exhibition booth, positioning yourself as a leader in innovation.

Establish Thought Leadership

Command the stage with a powerful presentation that highlights how your end-to-end solutions streamline processes. Gain invaluable technical feedback to refine your strategies and solidify your role as a thought leader.