Transforming Conjugation Processes to Optimize ADC Homogeneity

Time: 1:00 pm
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


The conjugation process is one of the key determinants in ensuring the homogeneity and stability of your ADC throughout its process development journey. With the ADC world ever-expanding, technologies that ensure a robust conjugation process with a high yield are of utmost importance.

Considering the increasing competition to get ADCs into the clinic, creating a conjugation process that can effectively deliver to timeframes and CQAs is crucial. Through presentations and roundtable discussions, you will learn how to optimize your ADC homogeneity efficiently, within increasing time constraints.

Join this workshop to:

  • Explore site-specific conjugation methods for achieving uniform DAR
  • Utilize advanced purification methods for isolating homogeneous ADCs from impurities
  • Consider optimal conjugation parameters to enhance product yield, quality, and homogeneity
