Robert Hughes

Company: Cidara Therapeutics Inc.
Job title: Senior Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Process and Analytical Development of Drug-Fc Conjugates (DFCs) 11:30 am
Evaluate Cidara Therapeutics’ DFCs developments to address serious diseases Compare and expand upon the strengths of small molecules and antibody therapeutics using the uniquely tunable DFCs platform Address the unique challenges associated with each DFCs product development, considering disease area, dose regimen, and propertiesRead more
day: Day Two
Panel Discussion – Optimizing Conjugation Processes to Decrease Heterogeneity & Prepare for Scale-Up 2:00 pm
Understanding the quantity of mAb fragments which must be removed and what can be dosed in small amounts Considering the conjugation technology and conditions used as well as their upscale applications Creating a platform to increase conjugation yieldRead more
day: Day One